

Whether it’s welcoming guests to our courses or working with schools, Hen Corner is bringing together the country and the city, helping you turn your urban corner green.

Magazines, newspapers and television shows have all been to visit us here at Hen Corner and as always we invite people to ‘Join us on the Journey’.

We are also proud to contribute to several local and national publications.

Please see our most recent reviews on Trip Advisor

Gardeners’ World – February ’25

This February issue of Gardeners’ World Magazine includes the second part of my series ‘Growing the Good Life’.
With a focus on how we started developing the allotment, after 15 years on the waiting list, this piece encourages us to plan ahead for the coming growing season.
When we ‘grow our own’ we save money, reduce our carbon footprint and enjoy both the time outside and the fruits of our labour.

The Chiswick Calendar – January ’25

Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar – Sara Ward on Living the Good Life:
It’s marmalade time at Hen Corner in Brentford. In this month’s guest blog Sara Ward explains why it has to be Seville oranges and why it has to be now. Plus full details of the exciting new TWO DAY cheese course…
Read the full post on The Chiswick Calendar website.

Gardeners’ World – January ’25

I was so excited to hold this first issue of Gardeners’ World 2025 in my hands as this includes the beginning of my year long series of Growing the Good…

The Chiswick Calendar – December ’24

Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar – Sara Ward on Living the Good Life: Apple and chilli jelly, beeswax candles and an edible Advent Christmas wreath are among the Christmas…

The Women’s Journal – November ’24

Best Christmas Events: Festive Pop-Ups In London

Wow, our Christmas Wreath Workshop at Page8 Hotel, Trafalgar Square has been featured as one of the best Christmas events in The Women’s Journal – how exciting!

The Chiswick Calendar – November ’24

Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar was advertised as ‘Christmas comes but once a year (but it does go on a bit!)’ This is the first mention of Christmas, and…

Travel and Tour World – October ’24

We are really looking forward to the Festive Workshops that we are running at Page8 Hotel in London’s Trafalgar Square:
Linen Cracker Workshop Friday 22nd Nov, 6-8pm
Christmas Wreath Workshop Friday 29th Nov, 6-8pm
It was great to discover that Travel and Tour World have published a piece on their website promoting the events!

Out & About – Winter ’24

Our column in this issue of Out & About Magazine is a double page spread highlighting seasonal celebrations and our festive plans in the lead up to Christmas, there’s also…

Saga Magazine – August ’24

It was lovely to chat to Lucy Hall of Saga Magazine earlier this year, we had previously met in 2023 when I was promoting my book, and when she asked for an interview to talk about ‘Grow Your Own’ I was naturally delighted.

It was a bonus to discover that Mark Diacono was also included in the piece – he really knows his onions (rather literally)!

We talked about how growing our own fruit and vegetables can reward us with fresh, tasty food and help our health, both our physical and mental health.

The Chiswick Calendar – October ’24

Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar reflects on how ‘I think there is something really rather magical about making cheese.’ …It’s the most ancient way of preserving precious milk…

The Chiswick Calendar – September ’24

Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar recounts our recent preserving projects and points to the exciting new courses coming up.

‘As a baker, we nurture natural wild yeasts to ferment many of our breads and September is the time that we traditionally celebrate Sourdough. Our small group courses teach the timeless traditions and techniques that make this bread so popular, guests try their hand to several different recipes including our Great Taste Award winning Cranberry and Pecan Sourdough.’

Out & About – Autumn ’24

Our column in this issue of Out & About Magazine celebrates our harvest and plans our preserving of the bounty. Read all about it in Out & About Magazine Out &…

The Chiswick Calendar – August ’24

Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar outlines our cautionary tale of why gardeners should never go on holiday…

‘I work hard all year; pruning my fruit trees, tending my crops, watering my veg, feeding my tomatoes, protecting the harvest as much as I can… Then I go on holiday and ‘bang’ the squirrels come out .’

Read the full post here on The Chiswick Calendar website.

The Chiswick Calendar – July ’24

Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar outlines the highlights of our most popular course Introduction to Making Bread

This week, I’ve run my favourite course, Introduction to Making Bread, not once – but twice, and also spent a whole day with a local primary school teaching their Year 3 pupils how to make bread – yes all 90 children took home their own loaf that they made by hand with me…

The Chiswick Calendar – June ’24

Dearest Gentle Reader, I have heard a secret that I simply must pass on to you – apparently, the abundance of rain (that I’ve been apologising for over recent months) is following the sports scheduling!

Celebrate At Home with Country Living – May 2020

Here’s a throwback to a short film that we made for Country Living Magazine, as part of Celebrate At Home with Country Living virtual event which took place in May…

The Chiswick Calendar – May ’24

Wheat is Neat!

I’ve sown a field – a field of wheat! Sorry if I’ve already told you about it (if you follow us on Instagram, you may have seen some photos and reels) – I’ve been telling everybody because I’m really excited about it. I mean it is a small field, six square metres, but I’m ‘actually’ growing wheat in my back garden and I’m going to tend it, harvest it, thresh it, mill it and bake it into a loaf of bread – oooh, I feel like Little Red Hen!

The Chiswick Calendar – April ’24

Come on you Bees!

Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s with great pleasure that I officially announce that this year’s Bee Keeping Season is officially open!
With it always being a little warmer in London, Spring seems to start a little earlier (if you follow us on Instagram, you may have seen that our first spears of asparagus peeped through almost a month early in mid March) and the bees have been out foraging for a plethora of local nectar for many weeks already. Read the full post here.

The Chiswick Calendar – February ’24

Some you lose…

One day last month when I was checking that the chickens had food and water, I did a quick head count and discovered one missing from the middle flock. I worked out which one by process of elimination and when I opened up the hen house, found her cold and dead. It’s always sad, but I reassured myself that she’d had a long life, most dates seem to be classified as pre or post pandemic nowadays, and can’t have been very ill or in much pain as she’d been running around the garden just the day before. Click through for full post with brighter news!

The Chiswick Calendar – January ’24

Introducing the first of our new regular posts on The Chiswick Calendar:
Learning lessons and looking forward
As we hunker down, whilst the nights are still long and the fairy lights have been packed away, we have the opportunity to look at the year ahead, as a blank canvas, and dare to dream before the weeks turn into months and the fruit trees are in blossom again.

The Country Smallholder Magazine – October ’23

The Country Smallholder Magazine has featured our Urban Smallholding in it’s magazine, and whilst I can definitely identify with the other pieces on poultry and preserving your harvest, I think the pages on big machinery and tractor reviews is a bit beyond our London back garden!

Your Harrogate – November ‘23

What a lovely surprise to see Hen Corner featured as a main attraction at the Country Living Christmas Fair in Harrogate this week – Can’t wait!​

The Times Newspaper – October ‘23

Sharon Smith found out about Hen Corner when she visited RHS Hampton Court Garden Festival earlier this year. We were there with a few of our hens promoting the book…

Kitchen Garden Magazine – October ’23

We’ve enjoyed sharing our book with magazines, newspapers and TV shows and the response has been really encouraging.
The October issue of Kitchen Garden magazine includes an extract from our section on keeping chickens and tells the story of how my grandparents’ hens kept their East End neighbours supplied with eggs during the war…

Hello! Magazine – September ‘23

Hello! Magazine – What a surprise… Eventbrite, our booking platform, asked us to support them in a fun challenge where competition winner Jennifer Barton would join an exciting event every…

Country Living Magazine – September ‘23

It’s been great to work with Country Living over the years, both with the magazine and the live events and shows.
Naturally we were delighted to see that they recommended our book in the ‘Going Greener’ section of this month’s Country Living Magazine.

The Richmond Magazine – August ’23

We were delighted that Sophie Farrah, editor of The Richmond Magazine, could join us for the Press Preview of “Living the Good Life in the City”. When she sent over this piece from the August issue she said ‘I am LOVING the book! xx’

BBC Radio London – August ’23

Last week I was talking to Jumoké Fashola of BBC Radio London as part of her regular feature on ‘Unusual Professions’. We talked about how I left my city banking job and am now farming my garden… From high heels to welly boots!

Premier Radio – August ’23

This week, I was delighted to contribute to Inspirational Breakfast on Premier Radio chatting to Mal Pope about my new book, producing our own food, and the earliest biblical reference…to…

Daily Express – August ‘23

Thank you, Hannah Britt of the Daily Express, for this full page feature sharing some of our story, top tips and featuring our book! I love this central photo, showing…

Roots and All – July ’23

Recently, I spoke to Sarah Wilson of Roots and All for her weekly podcast, we chatted about:
What prompted us to set up Hen Corner, How much can you grow in your average urban garden? Keeping animals, Getting rid of waste from the garden, Preserving food, Looking after things when you’re away. Listen via link in post

BBC Radio London – July ’23

This morning I was talking to Robert Elms of BBC Radio London about Living the Good Life in the City, both our lives here at Hen Corner and the book.

Listen via link in post

The Daily Mail – July ’23

How exciting – Our book was featured in The Daily Mail today!

Find out more about Living the Good Life in the City here.

Country Living Magazine – June ‘23

When Country Living Magazine asked for some top tips for living more sustainably, we were delighted to share how we try to use our LOAF when shopping and naturally pointed…

55 Dishes for Hounslow (Book) – February ’23

  We were honoured to have been invited to contribute a recipe to a local book, 55 Dishes for Hounslow and were delighted to recently receive a copy of the…

Out & About – Feb/Mar ’23

This issue features local social enterprise and charity, Cultivate London, who have the aim of improving the natural environment and helping communities engage in their green spaces.
As well as creating pocket gardens for all to enjoy, they run not one but two Community Gardens, DIG in Hanwell and the Salopian Garden in Isleworth, where individuals, families, larger groups and schools can come and get their hands dirty.

Out & About – February/March ’23

As the days start to get lighter, we can look forward to more sunshine and new opportunities.
This February & March issue includes the growing popularity of the Brentford Clothes Repair Cafe and the new opportunities to get involved with growing food at the Eco Garden at St Paul’s Church.

Premier Radio – January ’23

This morning, I chatted to Esther Higham on her show Inspirational Breakfast on Premier Radio. She was in a warm studio wearing a fluffy jumper and I was at The Serpentine in London’s Hyde Park in my swimming costume. 

True Loaf – January ’23

When True Loaf, the magazine of the Real Bread Campaign, asked if we had a story to tell – we jumped at the opportunity to share Eamon’s story! More info here.

Out & About – Dec ’22 / Jan ’23

The December & January issue looks back over 2022 to celebrate how much money and CO2 we’ve saved by growing our own food and looks forward to seeing our book being published in 2023.

Premier Radio – December ’22

This week it was lovely to talk to Breakfast Show host Esther Higham on Premier Radio about beating the high cost of Christmas, Catch up here

Chiswick Calendar – December ’22

When The Chiswick Calendar created their Christmas Shopping page, we were delighted that they included Hen Corner recommending our Gift Cards, Hampers and Panettone.

Good Housekeeping Magazine – December ’22

When Melanie Giandzi from Good Housekeeping Magazine wanted to write a piece about Sloe Gin, we were delighted to hear that our friends at Country Living Magazine suggested that they…

The Richmond Magazine – December ’22

Sophie Farrah, editor of The Richmond Magazine, certainly does her research when she puts together the Food pages. She has previously been to Hen Corner for a course or two and we are delighted to have been featured in her seasonal piece on baking classes. 

Out & About – October/November ’22

The October & November issue focusses on all things Green in Brentford and how we are supporting our local Eco Church…

Out & About – August/September ’22

Oh my, I’ve been writing for our local magazine for 10 years!

This issue remembers some of our highlights over that time…

Out & About – June/July ’22

There’s only one this on my mind this time of year and that’s strawberries!
This year we’ve got them growing on the allotment and we are picking them by the kilo…

Out & About – April/May ’22

It all began in a Sunday School team meeting when we were discussing how to celebrate Easter this year and someone nudged me and said ‘Couldn’t we have some chicks?’…

Out & About – Feb/March ‘22

Promises of Spring!
As the days get longer, nature seems to respond with an unfurling to feel the warmth of the sun and hope is inhaled by all that breathe.

What The Cluck? (Book) – March ‘22

When our friends at Omlet got in touch to say that they were writing a new book about chickens and could I contribute, of course I said yes! The Omlet team have been coming to Hen Corner for staff training over many years and so it was no surprise when it was my quiche recipe that they asked for, as they’d each enjoyed it for lunch on our courses.

Sunday Telegraph – January ‘22

When Ed Cumming was researching for this piece, I was more than happy to share our experience – I’ve always loved Felicity Kendal! The Good Life 2.0: how millennials fell…

Out & About – Dec/Jan ‘22

As we celebrate the end of another year, I like to pause to look back with thankfulness and forward with hope. In this month’s piece, we share some of the highlights.

Richmond Magazine – November ’21

It’s always lovely when a course guest wants to share their experience with others and we are thrilled that as Sophie Farrah has been promoted to Editor of The Richmond Magazine, she has featured Hen Corner in her seasonal piece on Christmas puddings.

Out & About – Oct/Nov ‘21

As the days get cooler and we look for refuge from the wind, we are warmed by the new Spire Cafe that’s open every day in nearby St Paul’s church. They even sell our Cinnamon Swirls!​

Brentford Nub News – August ’21

I’m swimming 5k in Dock2Dock and hope to raise 5k for Chiswick Lifeboat. I was delighted when our local Brentford Nub News got hold of the story and phoned me for an interview. If you’d like to support me, more info is here.

True Loaf – Jul/Sep ’21

What a lovely surprise to discover that Hen Corner was featured within an article about Bread Angels in True Loaf Magazine. Telling the story of how we accidentally opened our Micro Bakery… You can read the full piece here.

Out & About – Aug/Sep ’21

It was a wonderful surprise to discover how well my Seville orange preserve did at this year’s World Marmalade Awards… We were literally jumping for joy when we received the email saying ‘Congratulations – you are a Gold winner!’ Read all about it in our column in Out & About Magazine.

Platinum Magazine – August ’21

What a delight! A four page spread in Platinum Magazine featuring lovely photos from Juliet Murphy and Pam Wade, in the very same month that we celebrate our 10 years of keeping bees! Check out this feature ‘Farm in the City’ all about Hen Corner…

Country Living Magazine – July ‘21

Each summer, I’m quick to answer phone calls from numbers that I don’t recognise as we are in the midst of swarm season and I’ve signed up to the British Bee Keepers Association Swarm Collectors list. Whilst an unexpected visit from 30,000 bees might cause concern for many, it’s a privilege to be on hand to help collect and rehouse the honeybees hoping that they will become new strong healthy colonies.

Out & About – June/July ’21

We are right in the middle of the bee keeping season and whilst the Brentford Bees, from the football club, are celebrating going up into the Premier League with their fabulous new stadium, we see how the *Real Brentford Bees* are settling into their new home. Read all about it in our column in Out & About Magazine.

Country Living Magazine – June ‘21

We absolutely love the curiosity of young minds and look forward to our special summer sessions of Where Does My Food Come From?

Out & About – April/May ’21

As spring warms us up, we are looking forward to a great growing season, both in the garden here at Hen Corner and at our riverside allotment. Read all about it in our column in Out & About Magazine.

Country Living Magazine – May ‘21

Nothing says springtime quite like a cuddle with a new fluffy chick! With a few of our hens, here at the Corner, having gone broody, let’s learn about hatching new chickens….

Country Living Magazine – April ‘21

It’s time to plan potatoes! Be that big ones for baking or small spuds for salads. If you are limited with space in your garden, why not plant in an old dustbin? Read all about it in this month’s column, The Good Life in the City, in Country Living Magazine.

Shepperton Matters – March ’21

As you know, we love discovering new country pursuits whilst living in the city, so when I discovered the opportunity of some safe river swimming, not too far away, I jumped at the chance!

The Richmond and Barnes (and several other) Magazines – March ’21

Over the last year we’ve really enjoyed our online cooking courses! Guests have discovered so many benefits of joining in from their own kitchens based all over the world. This month, we are honoured that food writer Sophie Farrah has profiled our classes along with those offered by Marco Pierre White and other Michelin starred chefs…

Country Living Magazine – March ‘21

As the sun starts to shine, the honey bees venture out of the hive and we can check that all is well. If we are changing their frames of wax comb, we can clean up the old wax to make candles and beeswax food wraps. Read all about it in this month’s column, The Good Life in the City, in Country Living Magazine.

Country Living Magazine – February ‘21

Save your kissing under the mistletoe for Valentine’s Day and, whilst you are there, have a go at propagating your own! Read all about it in this month’s column, The Good Life in the City, in Country Living Magazine.

Country Living Magazine – January ‘21

We are blessing our apples trees with a good old wassail in this month’s column, The Good Life in the City, in Country Living Magazine. Including tips on winter pruning and planting new fruit trees…

Out & About – Dec/Jan ’21

Local is for Life not just for Lockdown! In this festive issue of Out & About magazine we are looking back with thankfulness and choosing what new things from 2020 we want to take forward…

The Richmond and Barnes Magazines – December ’20

What a lovely surprise! Sophie Farrah has chosen Hen Corner as a *Top Experience* in her Christmas Gift Guide, featured in the December issues of The Richmond and Barnes Magazines, The Elmbridge and Kingston Magazines and The Guildford, Farnham and Woking Magazines.

Country Living Magazine – December ‘20

We are feeling festive in this month’s column, The Good Life in the City, in Country Living Magazine. With Christmas crafting and a wonderful celebration recipe, join in and be jolly!

Out & About – Oct/Nov ‘20

‘Getting Figgy With It’ Our recent feature in Out & About magazine celebrates the seasons and shares our plans for making Christmas Puddings…

Country Living Magazine – November ‘20

As the days get shorter, we are warming up with bonfires and spicy soup in this month’s column, The Good Life in the City, in Country Living Magazine. Whilst there’s still plenty to do in the garden…

Country Living Magazine – October ‘20

We are celebrating the traditions of the Annual Autumn Allotment Shows in this month’s column, The Good Life in the City, in Country Living Magazine. Fortunately, despite this year’s challenges, many are going ahead virtually – I’ve sent in my entries, wish me luck!

Out & About – Aug/Sep ’20

We’ve learnt so much, so far this year, lots of new skills to take forward. Our recent feature in Out & About magazine encourages us to keep on learning.

Country Living Magazine – September ‘20

Whilst I’m watching our squashes and pumpkins swell and ripen on the allotment, we are planning for harvest and preserving in this month’s column, The Good Life in the City, in Country Living Magazine…​

Country Living Magazine – August ‘20

This month, in our regular column ‘The Good Life – In the City’, in Country Living Magazine, we are collecting in the honey harvest from our bees…

Country Living Magazine – July ‘20

Remembering the hot weather that we’ve had over the last couple of summers, and the brilliant sunshine we have currently, this month’s column in Country Living Magazine is all about helping the animals beat the heat…

The Good News Show – May ’20

It was great to chat with radio presenter Josh Carter for his regular podcast The Good News Show, take a listen to hear about some of the things we’ve been thankful for recently…

Country Living Magazine – June ‘20

This month I’m writing about the fabulous Introduction to Ice Cream course that I did with the lovely Kitty Travers at the School of Artisan Food last year… Check out her recipe for Strawberry Semifreddo in our regular column, The Good Life in the City, in the latest issue of Country Living Magazine.

Country Living Magazine – May ’20

We are now starting to approach the wonderful, but narrow, window of opportunity for making Elderflower Cordial. Find our recipe and top tips in our regular column, The Good Life in the City, in the latest issue of Country Living Magazine.

Chiswick Calendar – April ’20

Whilst sad that we’ve had to postpone all our courses and events at the moment, we were delighted to discover that Chiswick Calendar are profiling both our 10th Anniversary and new online films and cooking sessions…

Food Unfolded – March ’20

When Food Unfolded contacted us to talk about Raising Chickens in the City, we were more than happy to share our experience!

Prima Magazine – April ‘20

What an honour! In the very same month that we celebrate our Tenth Birthday, Prima Magazine have featured Hen Corner in a double page spread as part of a series called ‘Ladies who Launch’…

Country Living Magazine – April ‘20

This April we not only throw our doors open for our popular event, Easter at Hen Corner, we are also celebrating our 10th Birthday! Find out more in our monthly column, The Good Life in The City in this month’s (well read) Country Living Magazine… Psst – it also includes our Hot Cross Bun recipe!

Ruby Moon Blog – February ’20

Further to being named as a Top Changemaker in The Big Issue last month, I’ve since discovered this lovely blog post by Ruby Moon which features it in more detail. Thanks guys 🙂

Country Living Magazine – March ‘20

This month, in our regular column​ with Country Living Magazine, we are looking at how we prepare the garden for spring, especially with the bees, the chickens and the soil…

Country Living Magazine – February ‘20

Valentine’s Day and they’re back in lay! This month’s column in Country Living Magazine is all about the joys of keeping chickens. If you’d like to ‘Hug a Hen’, why not come on one of our courses?

The Big Issue – January ‘20

It was lovely to chat to Hannah Westwater of The Big Issue last month, however, I didn’t discover until it was published that I had been included as one of the Top 100 Changemakers of 2020! Whilst honoured, as I read about others on the list, I’m very humbled. Let all try to make the world a better place…

Country Living Magazine – January ‘20

Every year we choose the best Seville oranges from Spain to make our wonderful marmalade, we’ve written all about it for Country Living Magazine, and have a couple of courses (21st & 28th Jan) if you’d like to join us!

Chickens (USA) – Nov/Dec ’19

In between changing flights at two of our London airports, Kenny Coogan popped in for breakfast to find out what we were up to here at Hen Corner for a feature in Hobby Farm’s Chickens Magazine.

Country Living Magazine – December ‘19

In this special festive issue we are looking at decorating our homes with foliage from the garden and making gifts for family and friends. Find our Good Life in the City feature in Country Living Magazine.​

Winter Tales – December ’19

​Have you heard of Purple Dragon? It’s a group of members clubs for families. When Ellie Fassnidge contacted us for an interview for their Winter Tales Magazine, we were more than happy to share our thoughts on encouraging children to learn new skills.

Country Living Magazine – November ‘19

This month we are rising to the occasion and telling the story of our ‘Accidental Bakery’, read our bread story in our regular feature, ‘The Good Life in the City’ in Country Living Magazine.

Country Smallholding Magazine – November ‘19

It was a pleasure to welcome Emily Bevan for lunch at Hen Corner recently, and an absolute delight to read her ‘Big Smallholder Interview’ in Country Smallholding Magazine… Though we’ve…

Country Living Magazine – October ‘19

As the nights draw in, what’s better than sausages and mash? Especially when you’ve seen how happily the pigs have lived…
Find out more in our regular feature ‘The Good Life in the City’ in Country Living Magazine.

Chiswick Calendar – October ’19

When Bridget Osborne, editor of local website The Chiswick Calendar, wanted to write a piece about Hen Corner, we invited her to join us for a course so that she could really experience a taste of the good life. Read her feature here accompanied by delicious photos from James Willcocks.

Country Living Magazine – September ‘19

Cider Sunday has become a regular little festival here at Hen Corner. This month we share the story in our regular feature, The Good Life in The City, in Country Living Magazine…

Vanessa Feltz (BBC Radio London) – September ’19

When Vanessa Feltz wanted to discuss keeping chickens in London on her BBC Radio London Breakfast Show, we were delighted that she invited Barbara, our Gold Partridge Brahma, and Sara in to the studio for a chat.

Country Living Magazine – August ‘19

What do you do if you find yourself with spare milk in the heat of high summer? Make it into cheese of course! Our feature in Country Living Magazine this month shows how Life is Better with Feta…

Country Living Magazine – July ’19

Nothing quite epitomises the British summer like berries and cream… This is the theme for our July feature in Country Living Magazine – The Good Life in the City. Country…

Out & About – June/July ‘19

There’s just something about strawberries…
Our latest feature has won a double page spread in Out & About magazine with our recipe for scones (and photos by Pam Wade Photography) also published in the Surrey edition.

Country Living Magazine – June ’19

This month, in Country Living Magazine, it’s all about the bees in our regular feature: The Good Life – In The City.

Country Living Magazine – May ’19

Here is the next feature in our new series in Country Living Magazine, The Good Life – In The City. This month we are talking about growing fruit and starting veg plants from seed…

The Chiswick Magazine – April ’19

It’s always great when local magazines want to profile all that’s going on at Hen Corner, Sophie Farrah of The Chiswick Magazine, has been telling everyone about our egg-citing event Easter at Hen Corner.

Country Living Magazine – April ’19

We are very excited to announce the start of a new series in Country Living Magazine! Over the next twelve months, Sara will be writing her regular feature The Good Life – In The City, encouraging all to turn their little urban corner green…

Time Out Magazine – March ’19

We were delighted to discover that Time Out Magazine had hunted down our Easter at Hen Corner as a quirky event for all to enjoy. We certainly agree when they say ‘Sounds clucking ace!’

The Guardian – March ’19

How lovely to read in ‘Let’s move to Brentford, west London’ that word on the street recommends river side walks and visiting Hen Corner…

Out & About – Feb/March ’19

It’s a real pleasure to write for our local magazine, Out & About, each month. This feature talks about how we prepare our bees for the new season ahead.

The Chiswick Magazine – February ’19

It’s always great when local magazines want to profile all that’s going on at Hen Corner, thanks to Sophie Farrah of The Chiswick Magazine, our local community can be kept up to date!

Inside Out (BBC One) – September ’18

There seem to be more and more people interested in keeping chickens in London, our courses have been fully booked this year and Sean Fletcher from BBCOne’s Inside Out came to talk to us to find out why. The episode that features Londoners living the Good Life can be found here.

Top Of The Shop with Tom Kerridge (BBC Two) – April ’18

We had great fun working on this new BBC programme showcasing artisan food producers around the UK. We are in the first episode, Preserves, Pickles and Spread, with our Apple & Chilli Jelly. The show can been found on BBC iPlayer here.

Omlet Blog – February ‘18

When our friends at Omlet wanted to publish the perfect pancake recipe for Shrove Tuesday, we were delighted to help. What better way to uses all those lovely fresh eggs now that our pure breed hens are starting to lay again for Spring!

Flip along here

Country Living Magazine – February ’18

It was wonderful to welcome Country Living Magazine’s features editor, Anna Jury, to Hen Corner for Urban Hens – Keeping Chickens in London last summer, and how delightful that she included us in this feature about The Good Life providing inspiration and advice for aspiring smallholders.

Living In Magazine – January ’18

The day after Sara gave a talk to the Women’s Institute at Kew, editor Pippa Duncan emailed to ask for an interview for the local magazine, it’s only just out and we’ve already had several new customers to the bakery on Fridays as a result!

Read the full article here.

Christmas Films with Omlet – December ’17

We have been delighted this Christmas to partner with our friends at Omlet to bring you some scrumptious recipes using eggs from our hens and honey from our bees.
Hen Corner – Christmas Treats: Choc Chilli Triangles
Hen Corner – Christmas Treats: Amaretti Biscuits

Locavore Magazine – December ’17

We are honoured to have contributed a three page feature focusing on new skills for this exciting launch issue of Locavore Magazine ‘a journal of slow, seasonal and sustainable food.’ To…

Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Magazine – November ’17

It was very nice to be featured by Miele in Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom magazine… Helping people get their homes looking festive for Christmas! Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Magazine – November ’17…

Toast – August ’17

When Sophie Farrah of Toast wanted to write about The Good Life, she thought back to her Day at Hen Corner and asked us to help with this great ‘Spotlight’ feature…

The Sunday Times Magazine – August ’17

Many of us are all starting to care about where our food comes from and Josh Boswell’s piece for The Sunday Times Magazine helps us understand the labelling on eggs. We were delighted to help him look at the ethics and issues around egg production. Read the full article here.

Rural London (book) – June ’17

When Kate Hodges started to explore Rural London for her new book that helps us Discover the City’s Country Side, she thought of Hen Corner as her brother had previously been on one of our courses.

We are thrilled to be listed alongside Borough Market, Mudchute Park & Farm and the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew…

Online review by Less-Stress London here

Book can be purchased here.

My Tiny Home Farm (book) – May ’17

I first met the author Francine Raymond when we were interviewed together at the Country Living Spring Fair back in 2015. When she was commissioned to write this book last year, I was delighted that she wanted to include a chapter on Hen Corner. Photographer Bill Mason joined us for a family course last summer to take lots of beautiful pictures and now we are proud to have one of the first copies of this lovely book in our hands. Further copies can be ordered here.

Evening Standard Homes & Property – April ’17

When Lizzie Rivera of the Evening Standard wanted to write about Chicken Keeping in the City we were delighted that she came to talk to us, Juliet Murphy took the wonderful photos…

Country Living Magazine – February ’17

Country Living Magazine’s Spring Fair moves to Alexandra Palace and they are building us our very own chicken enclosure in the Small Holding Garden allowing us to bring a selection of chickens with us for the week!  Read all about it here.

Toast – November ’16

When Sophie Farrah wanted to write about celebrating Stir-Up Sunday with friends and family, she came straight to us to ask about the background to this wonderful tradition. We even shared our favourite recipe with her…

Richmond & Barnes Magazines – November ’16

It was lovely to work with the teams at both Richmond and Barnes Magazines again, this time it was with Sophie Farrah for her latest food and drink feature. Now, what to promote…

The Telegraph – October ’16

“Country comes to Town” The National Farmers Union published this feature in The Telegraph celebrating rural culture and the remarkable influence that is shaping city and suburban lifestyles. We were delighted that they came to us for top tips!

Out and About Magazine – October ’16

It’s always a delight to pick up a copy of Out and About magazine and see our features in print!
If you try this recipe, let us know how you get on…

LandLove Magazine – August ’16

It was lovely to see a feature about our bread courses in LandLove Magazine, we’ve had people contacting us about the courses before we knew the article had gone to print!

London Live TV – July ’16

We were pleased to have been invited to the London Permaculture Festival to give a talk on Urban Hens – Keeping Chickens in London. What a privilege to have been interviewed by London Live for their lunchtime and evening news shows…

The Telegraph – June ’16

It’s always a pleasure to chat with The Telegraph’s Xanthe Clay, this time it was all about DIY Dairy – how to make cheese at home – Perfect timing for our Cheese in a Day course!

Country Living Magazine – April ’16

We were pleased to help Country Living Magazine with this feature looking at what determines the colour of a chicken’s egg shell

The Guardian – January ’16

We were delighted that The Guardian featured Sara in their Kitchen Encounters series, read the online version here.

Time Out – November ’15

It was great to be voted one of the best loved things about Brentford in Time Out Magazine

The Sunday Times – September ’15

The Sunday Times featured a double spread ‘Keeping Bees and Chickens in your Back Yard’ and included my thoughts on how urban chicken keeping has become more popular.

Essential Surrey – May ’15

Essential Surrey wrote this lovely article: Of hives and hens: country courses in May It was published in several London magazines.

Country Living Magazine – April ’15

Country Living magazine promoted our Family Feathers and Fun course in their Country in the City section – we were consequently sold out!

West London Mum – February ’15

Anna Scott, from West London Mum, popped round for tea and a chat to featured Hen Corner in their Local Spotlight West London Mum – February ’15 was last modified:…

The Resident Magazine – January ’15

What a wonderful start to the year, we were placed as number one in 10 of the Best Courses in London by The Resident Magazine

Men’s Fitness – January ’15

Well this was a magazine I was surprised to be contacted by! Though it was great to be featured in an article about producing your own food for the super health benefits.

Completely London – October ’13

The lovely team at Completely London published a 4-page feature on Hen Corner in their magazine and blogged about us too…

The Jellied Eel Magazine – July ’13

The Jellied Eel, London’s magazine for Ethical Eating published this lovely article about us as one of the latest recruits to the campaign to Grow a Million Meals for London.

Westside Resident Magazine – May ’13

Westside Resident published a feature on our London Smallholding and put our photo on the front cover!

Heart FM – May ’13

Natalie B, Heart (Four Counties) Breakfast Show Host, joined us for a Bee Keeping Course and wrote up about it here.

Grow It! Magazine – April ’13

It was a pleasure to talk to Dawn Francis-Pester about our daily life at Hen Corner for a feature in Grow It! Magazine

Your Chickens – March ’13

Your Chickens ran a great double page feature of our family and flock in our London garden, see the online article here.

Lost in London (book) – February ’13

So lovely to pick up this book Lost in London that we worked on with Lucy Scott & Tina Smith back in 2012… So thrilled that they put Hen Corner…

Country Living Magazine – February ’13

Following the visit by Deupty Editor Louise Elliott, we were delighted to be featured in Country Living Magazine as part of their Country in the City pages

Olive Magazine – March ’12

We were featured alongside other people who live and work with food in the article ‘No such thing as a free lunch?’ in March edition of Olive Magazine

Wall Street Journal – August ’11

Wall Street Journal interviewed us for: Putting the Chic in Chicken Coop; looking at the growing trend of city dwellers trying to live sustainably…

The Telegraph – August ’11

Telegraph Weekend Celebrate Living the Good Life; making piccalilli with Xanthe Clay (who we met on Market Kitchen Big Adventure)

The One Show – April ’11

The One Show, BBC1, had a cracking Easter special; watching baby chicks hatch in the studio and visiting chicken owners around London. It was a delight to welcome them to Hen Corner!

Market Kitchen – January ’11

We filmed for Market Kitchen Big Adventure looking at the local produce of Hampshire. Here is Sara getting her make up touched up on set…

Observer Food Monthly – June ’10

Observer Food Monthly included us as London cider producers in Urban farms: can you source a complete meal from inside the M25?