Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar shares our excitement with our new project as we plan to Bake our Lawn!
Wheat is Neat!
I’ve sown a field – a field of wheat! Sorry if I’ve already told you about it (if you follow us on Instagram, you may have seen some photos and reels) – I’ve been telling everybody because I’m really excited about it. I mean it is a small field, six square metres, but I’m ‘actually’ growing wheat in my back garden and I’m going to tend it, harvest it, thresh it, mill it and bake it into a loaf of bread – oooh, I feel like Little Red Hen!
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go girl go!!!
Thanks Brian
You’re growing wheat? Actual wheat? Amazing!
Yes – I have high hopes…
But, I think the cats have other plans!
Did you know that many cat owners grow wheat especially for their cats…
Mine is for bread – but they are not listening
Oh dear! Is it like catnip to them? Or do they just like chewing it, like they chew grass?
Not quite catnip, but chewing, like grass, for a balanced diet…
Then lying down in the middle of it (to hide from prey) and enjoying the privacy of the screen of wheat around their alfresco latrine