

  • Blog

    A Time For Giving…

    Blog 15th November 2021

    ‘A Time For Giving’ – Yes, I have got Cliff Richard singing in my head…
    As we approach the end of the year, it’s a great opportunity to take stock, give thanks and plan to give gifts to both those we hold dear and those less fortunate than ourselves.

  • As the clocks fall forward, the evenings draw in and we chop wood in preparation for cosy nights in front of the fire, I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s wondering what the next couple of months will bring and how we can hold on to traditions as we continue to navigate current challenges.

  • Blog

    September: Swimming & Sourdough

    Blog 28th September 2021

    Swimming and Sourdough? That’s an unusual combination, but that’s what’s been filling my time this month. September is always busy as it’s harvest time, but this year as well as celebrating Sourdough September, we’ve also celebrated my First Swimversary!

  • Blog

    Celebrating the Super Bees!

    Blog 23rd August 2021

    This month we are celebrating our super Brentford bees, now where should we begin? We started keeping bees 10 years ago, with our very first colony collected, on loan, in August 2011. ‘How can you borrow a colony of bees?’ I hear you say…

  • You know that we love to produce our own food and can’t wait to get busy preserving fruit and vegetables when in season, allowing us to enjoy them all year round. We’ve harvested all our broad beans, many of which are now in the freezer and have just finished the first batch of broad bean & mint hummus – delicious!

  • Blog

    Hot in the City

    Blog 14th June 2021

    I love June. It’s halfway between New Year and Christmas, usually very sunny, and the month of my birthday! As the temperatures continue to soar, let’s see how we can all handle the heat and, with a little bit of planning, keep our cool…

  • Blog

    May We Join You?

    Blog 20th May 2021

    It’s May – and we can at last join our friends inside, for coffee, food, wine and more (what a relief!)
    We’ve also got all our courses running as planned, both inside and out… Come and join us!

  • What a wonderful way to celebrate our 11th birthday – being able to welcome guests back for in-person/face-to-face courses!
    We have really valued the support of all our customers, especially over these last 12 months.

  • Blog

    Boing! Spring Forward…

    Blog 10th March 2021

    Last week a friend asked me ‘When does Spring officially begin?’ After quick research I discovered that there are, in fact, two ‘official’ start dates, both of which I’m rather happy with.

  • Blog

    It’s All About The Bread…

    Blog 3rd February 2021

    With my tax return completed and this year’s marmalade safely potted up, I can now focus, quite literally, on my bread and butter. Our weekly Micro Bakery has jumped back into motion and a hand made loaf of bread with some sweet sticky buns is the order of the day for many a local household at the end of the week.