As we approach the transition out of 2020, with high hopes that the new year will bring back missed opportunities, let’s find creative ways to celebrate with loved ones, staying safe, sharing joy and bringing peace to all.
I do like a bit of gardening in the autumn, be that at home or the allotment, it’s a good chance to hunt out any last harvests, there’s still some squash to gather in, clear away spent plants and get the garlic and broad beans in the ground to germinate safely before the first frosts.
As the days are getting shorter, and a little cooler, we are jollying ourselves up by planning ahead and doing a little happy-dance around the house as we celebrate our good news!
Now is truly a time to celebrate! The honey has been collected from the hives, the apples have been pressed and we are running out of jars to pack full of pickles and preserves.
I know that there’s National Week for almost anything nowadays, but this week, 10th-16th August, is celebrating two of my favourite things that I’ve been especially excited about recently.
When I first claimed the domain name, 10 years ago, to start blogging our journey toward urban self sufficiency, I naturally wanted to set up a couple of email addresses. Info@ sounded too impersonal, Office@ and Admin@ just sounded too ‘corporate’ and didn’t really communicate that we were intending to spend most of our time in the garden!
I’ve been chatting to a miller that I know, the lovely Emily at Wessex Mill in Wantage near Oxford, and she explained what’s been happening to all the flour recently.…
We have got so much good news to share with you this week. First, we are announcing the winners of our 10th Anniversary Draw, then we are telling you all about Celebrate at Home with Country Living, finally, we’ve transitioned a number of our courses to online/virtual sessions allowing you to join us via Zoom to learn new skills. Good news all round, yes?
This month, April 2020, marks the 10th Anniversary of Hen Corner, our Urban Smallholding in West London! We had been gearing up for all kinds of wonderful celebrations and, sadly, it turned out that we couldn’t invite guests to join us for the big day over the Easter weekend.
This week has seen a few firsts for me, the most unusual has been the amount of phone calls that I’ve received asking me if I am selling my chickens!