I do like a bit of gardening in the autumn, be that at home or the allotment, it’s a good chance to hunt out any last harvests, there’s still some squash to gather in, clear away spent plants and get the garlic and broad beans in the ground to germinate safely before the first frosts.
We are feeling festive in this month’s column, The Good Life in the City, in Country Living Magazine. With Christmas crafting and a wonderful celebration recipe, join in and be jolly!
It’s certainly getting a bit more chilly and, as one season makes way for another, we have a couple of Shows to Tell you about (not on TV this time)……
We have been delighted this Christmas to partner with our friends at Omlet to bring you some scrumptious recipes using eggs from our hens and honey from our bees.
Hen Corner – Christmas Treats: Choc Chilli Triangles
Hen Corner – Christmas Treats: Amaretti Biscuits -
We’re making a list and checking it twice As Christmas approaches, we are planning presents for family and friends and always find it lovely to receive a well-chosen gift from…
Somehow, we’ve managed to enter three big competitions in three months, which takes time and energy, but have fortunately found it to be more than worth it.
As a child of the seventies, I looked forward to the 5 minute television shows for children on BBC1 each day before the evening news, and when the characters of…
and a Happy New Year From all at Hen Corner Have a good week yourself… Join us on the Journey! Merry Christmas from Hen Corner! was last modified:…
Christmas is coming, it’s practically here… This is our last post in the series ‘Be Prepared’ and we hope that it’s been helpful and that you are nearly ready for…
The big countdown… Wow! We have made a serious number of Christmas wreaths here at Hen Corner on courses, corporate events and to sell through our online store, a big…