

  • Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar reflects on how ‘I think there is something really rather magical about making cheese.’ …It’s the most ancient way of preserving precious milk…

  • Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar recounts our recent preserving projects and points to the exciting new courses coming up.

    ‘As a baker, we nurture natural wild yeasts to ferment many of our breads and September is the time that we traditionally celebrate Sourdough. Our small group courses teach the timeless traditions and techniques that make this bread so popular, guests try their hand to several different recipes including our Great Taste Award winning Cranberry and Pecan Sourdough.’

  • Media

    Out & About – Autumn ’24

    Media 12th August 2024

    Our column in this issue of Out & About Magazine celebrates our harvest and plans our preserving of the bounty. Read all about it in Out & About Magazine Out &…

  • Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar outlines our cautionary tale of why gardeners should never go on holiday…

    ‘I work hard all year; pruning my fruit trees, tending my crops, watering my veg, feeding my tomatoes, protecting the harvest as much as I can… Then I go on holiday and ‘bang’ the squirrels come out .’

    Read the full post here on The Chiswick Calendar website.

  • Our latest post on The Chiswick Calendar outlines the highlights of our most popular course Introduction to Making Bread

    This week, I’ve run my favourite course, Introduction to Making Bread, not once – but twice, and also spent a whole day with a local primary school teaching their Year 3 pupils how to make bread – yes all 90 children took home their own loaf that they made by hand with me…

  • Dearest Gentle Reader, I have heard a secret that I simply must pass on to you – apparently, the abundance of rain (that I’ve been apologising for over recent months) is following the sports scheduling!

  • Wheat is Neat!

    I’ve sown a field – a field of wheat! Sorry if I’ve already told you about it (if you follow us on Instagram, you may have seen some photos and reels) – I’ve been telling everybody because I’m really excited about it. I mean it is a small field, six square metres, but I’m ‘actually’ growing wheat in my back garden and I’m going to tend it, harvest it, thresh it, mill it and bake it into a loaf of bread – oooh, I feel like Little Red Hen!

  • Come on you Bees!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s with great pleasure that I officially announce that this year’s Bee Keeping Season is officially open!
    With it always being a little warmer in London, Spring seems to start a little earlier (if you follow us on Instagram, you may have seen that our first spears of asparagus peeped through almost a month early in mid March) and the bees have been out foraging for a plethora of local nectar for many weeks already. Read the full post here.

  • Some you lose…

    One day last month when I was checking that the chickens had food and water, I did a quick head count and discovered one missing from the middle flock. I worked out which one by process of elimination and when I opened up the hen house, found her cold and dead. It’s always sad, but I reassured myself that she’d had a long life, most dates seem to be classified as pre or post pandemic nowadays, and can’t have been very ill or in much pain as she’d been running around the garden just the day before. Click through for full post with brighter news!