It’s always great when local magazines want to profile all that’s going on at Hen Corner, thanks to Sophie Farrah of The Chiswick Magazine, our local community can be kept up to date!
There seem to be more and more people interested in keeping chickens in London, our courses have been fully booked this year and Sean Fletcher from BBCOne’s Inside Out came to talk to us to find out why. The episode that features Londoners living the Good Life can be found here.
We had great fun working on this new BBC programme showcasing artisan food producers around the UK. We are in the first episode, Preserves, Pickles and Spread, with our Apple & Chilli Jelly. The show can been found on BBC iPlayer here.
When our friends at Omlet wanted to publish the perfect pancake recipe for Shrove Tuesday, we were delighted to help. What better way to uses all those lovely fresh eggs now that our pure breed hens are starting to lay again for Spring!
It was wonderful to welcome Country Living Magazine’s features editor, Anna Jury, to Hen Corner for Urban Hens – Keeping Chickens in London last summer, and how delightful that she included us in this feature about The Good Life providing inspiration and advice for aspiring smallholders.
The day after Sara gave a talk to the Women’s Institute at Kew, editor Pippa Duncan emailed to ask for an interview for the local magazine, it’s only just out and we’ve already had several new customers to the bakery on Fridays as a result!
We have been delighted this Christmas to partner with our friends at Omlet to bring you some scrumptious recipes using eggs from our hens and honey from our bees.
Hen Corner – Christmas Treats: Choc Chilli Triangles
Hen Corner – Christmas Treats: Amaretti Biscuits -
We are honoured to have contributed a three page feature focusing on new skills for this exciting launch issue of Locavore Magazine ‘a journal of slow, seasonal and sustainable food.’ To…
It was very nice to be featured by Miele in Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom magazine… Helping people get their homes looking festive for Christmas! Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Magazine – November ’17…
When Sophie Farrah of Toast wanted to write about The Good Life, she thought back to her Day at Hen Corner and asked us to help with this great ‘Spotlight’ feature…