Oooh, it was so good to take a serrated knife below the surface of the soil to cut the first ever spears of asparagus here at Hen Corner today. Only…
Good things come in Threes? Or so they say, but this time last year, before this blog had even begun, I didn’t expect to be writing a post that announces…
‘Well I’ve heard of Hotmail, but Cold Mail?’ said our friend Elias, who lives with us here at Hen Corner. Why has the crazy lady put her post in the…
Today is a good day! Not everyone will share our excitement, but almost a month earlier than last year, Asparagus Watch has begun. Traditionally, the first day of April is…
Determined to get ahead Well, I’m a bit nervous of writing this post as you know what they say about ‘The best plans of men and mice’ but maybe putting…
I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too! It’s been a colourful week here at Hen Corner. Whilst the weather has fluctuated from brilliant spring sunshine…
At Hen Corner, we are a family; Mum and Dad, son and daughter, two cats and a cluckle of hens… But last Autumn someone new joined in…. A good friend…
What a treat for a Saturday night! We were meeting for dinner with some special friends and rather than either of the wives cooking, the plan was to take to…
Catch ’em while you can! And I’m not talking fish this week… though there is a fishy link further down! This week is one of the first of the long-awaited…
All the balls are rolling… Well the new year is definitely under-way with loads going on both here at Hen Corner and in the wider world. Here we have been…