It all started on Bank Holiday Monday… It was a good job that we had no fixed plans for the day – I got up and made a nice breakfast…
Celebrating in style! What a wonderful way to see in the New Year: toasting with our home-made drinks… Of course there’s plenty of cider that’s now ready to go and…
What a year! Well, at this busy time of year, I thought I give a quick update before getting on with writing our Christmas cards and packing up the little…
All the leaves are brown… Autumn is definitely here; the leaves are changing colour and giving us nature’s confetti as they cascade down from the trees to the ever-deepening carpet…
“Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery, Today is a Gift, That’s why it’s called the Present” That phrase sums up today’s sunny afternoon in the garden…. I picked 200g of…
It’ll all be ready for Christmas! So, after a seasonal supper of Exmouth Mussels and now with a glass of wine and a slice of chocolate cake (sandwiched with fresh…
Since you’ve been gone…. I do apologise that we’ve been very slack on the blogging recently. So we’ve got a lot to catch up with… A couple of weeks was…
We’ve been on a bit of a tour recently and, whilst having a generally all round good time, managed to stumble on a bit of a find! We were looking…
***STOP PRESS*** Ascot and Butternut are released! Our two broodies celebrated their new-found freedom with a lovely bath… in the dust! Check out previous blog posts to catch up, but…
Give me some eggs! Don’t worry, we’ve not reverted to battery farming, this is a Broody Box (or Naughty Cage as some like to call it!) and we’re on a…