Seasonal Food…

| 2nd December 2011

Well we’ve made the cake and puddings, ordered the goose and ham and have three varieties of cheese ripening ready for the festivities…

We are certainly thinking about food for all here at Hen Corner, whilst remembering those around the world who have very little, we are trying to make the most of all we have, valuing every scrap and thanking God for all the blessings that we have.

If you are planning to have duck or goose this Christmas, do have a quick look at our recipe for New Year Cassoulet which will nicely use up all your leftovers in another celebration meal. It’s good to plan ahead and make the most of all the extra food that you may be buying in. Thinking ahead can help you get several meals from one bird. We’ll be making a confit from the goose legs, pate from the liver and saving jars of goose fat for a years worth of crispy roast potatoes!

Whilst it’s been so mild we’ve been feeding in the garden as well…

The chickens are enjoying their usual layers pellets and we’re trying to fatten up the three cockerels with mixed corn. Already a couple of them have started crowing in the morning at just 16 weeks old, so we are shutting them in the dark until around 8.30am so that they don’t annoy our London neighbours.

The bees are doing well; especially since I readjusted the hive (silly me put it together wrong). They didn’t appreciate all the movement and drafts on a crisp November morning and didn’t seem to understand me saying ‘It’s only because I love you….’ They are now tucked up safe for winter and will only be disturbed briefly for an Oxalic Acid trickle (to kill of any varroa) and a lump of fondant icing as a Christmas treat (to keep their food store up). Below you can watch how we fed them back in September to prepare them for winter.

Hen Corner TV – Bees Winter Feed

Other News:

  • Sapphire, our beautiful grey and white cat, is showing signs old age at 15yrs. So we’re feeding her eggs in the morning and senior cat food each afternoon to try to help her put on some weight.
  • We’re preparing the kitchen garden for Spring. Garlic, broccoli and broad beans are all well established and we’ve sown green manure in the cold frame and other spare beds.
  • We’ve done the first dormant pruning of the almond tree. It looks a bit harsh but should help it fruit well next year and grow into a strong, healthy structure.

Jobs for next week:

  • Bottle up the cider for its second ferment – that’ll make it sparkle!
  • Give our new cheese a rind wash in cider, followed by an applewood smoke – should be good on the Christmas cheeseboard?
  • Settle down with some mince pies and write those christmas cards…

Have a good week yourself…

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