Use your LOAF!

| 26th September 2022
You would be forgiven for thinking that this post is all about bread, well there is some coming up, but we have been thinking a lot about all the little choices we make every day and how they have an impact on not just our health and finances, but also the environment.

On Saturday 8th October, we are really looking forward to joining other eco groups and organisations at the first ever Brentford Green Fair, we will be bringing some of our bees, safely secured behind glass, and will have our honey and some Fairtrade chocolate for sale


So why all the bread? When it comes to buying food, the one thing that we all consume each day, we can use the acronym LOAF to help us with our choices.

Local – This reduces food miles; transport, fuel and packaging and means that we can enjoy seasonal food at its best.

Organic – This ensures that the crops and animals are produced without chemicals, pesticide or routine antibiotics, it’s better for them, better for us and better for the whole planet.

Animal Friendly – If we are eating food from animals, be that meat, eggs or dairy, let’s choose to buy products that come from animals that enjoy high welfare, including free ranging, and organic diets.

Fairtrade – Many producers around the world are not being paid enough to send their children to school, buy enough food and medical care for themselves, or allow them adequate housing – often because we want cheap food. Fairtrade helps farmers get a fair price for their products.

Talking of local food, I was delighted to have been invited to judge the Annual Allotment Show again.

Tables were heaving with all kinds of pickles and preserves, cakes and tarts, bread and biscuits, not forgetting the homemade wine and beers at the end.

Highlights included a couple of jars of Pickled Walnuts – I was very impressed and wouldn’t have been surprised if the walnuts were foraged locally before they hit the preserving pan.

The gluten free biscuits were also delicious, Andy was with me and kept nibbling those, they were based on almond amaretti biscuits and a helpful reminder to save my egg whites from the bakery to whip up a few batches of these lovely treats.


If you fancy getting hands on with organic produce, free range eggs and Fairtrade sugar, we’ve got a spaces on a couple of great baking courses coming up.

Baker’s Dozen – Batches Of Bakes – Tuesday 4th October 

Introduction To Bread Making – Tuesday 11th October 

Don’t forget, if you’ve been on any of our courses before, you can have 20% discount off your booking.

Other news:
  • I’ve finished my book!!!! Yeah, and now we start the editing, photos, design, etc…
  • Andy picked 1.2kg of olives from our tree and I’m curing them ready for Christmas
  • We’ve trained another new Bread Angel who started her training virtually from the USA and has now moved back to London to bake for her neighbours and offer fabulous bread classes
Jobs for the week:
  • Keep an eye on our fig trees, the golden figs on the allotment are nearly ready and the tree at home is on it’s second harvest of the year
  • Space out the brassicas at the allotment for a good winter crop
  • Start the autumn prune and tidy in the garden

How are you using your LOAF when it comes to food choices?


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