Become a Bread Angel – Start your own Micro Bakery

Become a Bread Angel – Start your own Micro Bakery

The Micro Bakery at Hen Corner opened in October 2015 just two weeks after Sara trained as a Bread Angel. We’ve continued to bake for our community each week, run regular Bread & Baking Courses and are delighted to offer this course that teaches you how to set up a similar business.…

Sara Ward trained as a Bread Angel with Jane Mason of Virtuous Bread back in 2015 and, in 2017, completed a Five Day Intensive Bread course and further Croissant & Viennoiserie training with Richard Bertinet at his Cookery School in Bath.

Here at Hen Corner, we have developed the Bread Angel course, transforming it into a ‘hybrid training & mentoring programme’ that helps you join our army of Bread Angels that are making Real Bread for their communities right now.

The course is run from our family home and kitchen, where we run our business and bakery, demonstrating how to bake and teach using normal domestic equipment.

The course fee includes:

1) Introduction Call

With Sara, your experienced Bread Angel trainer and mentor. 

2) Face-to-face Training (Two Days, 10am – 4pm)

This is a totally hands on course that concentrates on traditional methods of baking. We will be making around 5 different products each day of the course using different skills and ingredients to enable you to grow in confidence with your baking. Throughout these days we will also be discussing all aspects of starting your own small business – sourcing ingredients and equipment, marketing, legal requirements and administration. 

Everyone goes home with their hand made bakes, banneton, dough scraper, recipe sheets and the confidence to make more bread at home.

3) Follow-up Mentoring 

A one-to-one session identifying next steps to help you start your business.

4) Preparation

Advice on preparation and legal requirements for starting a food business from home.

5) Self Study

Access to all 15 modules of the Bread Angels course, plus supporting material.

6) Bread Angels Private Facebook Group

Find support and encouragement from the other 150+ Bread Angels baking for their communities.

7) Regular Masterclasses

Online sessions led by experienced Bread Angels covering different themes throughout the year.

8) Bread Angels Website

All trained Bread Angels are invited to be included on the Bread Angels Website, this will help promote your business, helping those that find you centrally discover your business locally.

We are pleased to bring you this London Bread Angel course.

For more information, contact us and arrange a personal Zoom meeting to discuss how being a Bread Angel could be great for you!

Sara is a warm host and passionate and experienced Baker, amongst many other things! Upon arrival I was greeted by her beaming smile and to the wonderful smell of baked items….I knew I was in for a fab day and it sure didn’t disappoint. It was wonderful to have a full hands on smell, touch and work with the dough…for Sara to show us how to make small changes to our technique to improve the final result… The three of us left Hen Corner with bags of hot bread and I’m pleased to say my car still has the lingering smell of freshly baked bread two days later!

…a truly delightful experience…

Ann K



Face to Face Training: 10am – 4pm each day

Dates to be confirmed/by arrangement

Here at Hen Corner, we have developed the Bread Angel course, transforming it into a ‘hybrid training & mentoring programme’ that helps you join our army of Bread Angels that are making Real Bread for their communities right now.

Contact us for an introduction zoom call!

£495.00 (plus booking fee)




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