Buns and Bunty

| 4th April 2017
Grab them whilst they’re hot!

We love the seasons here at Hen Corner, every month brings it’s own celebration, hopefully with the associated weather (snow at Christmas, sunshine in Spring) and every celebration has it’s food traditions based around the availability of harvest at that time of year.

We’ve joined in some fabulous celebrations recently with our friends at Cultivate London, first an Asparagus Celebration with wine tasting that brought us a four course sumptuous meal in the candlelit poly-tunnel pairing some wonderful wines with beautiful dishes created by their in house chef, Matt, using produce grown in the Kitchen Garden.

Then, for their Easter Family Open Day, I was working with Matt to bake 96 Hot Cross Buns in their very hot cob oven, brushed with their own honey to make them shine! For more events at Cultivate London, do check out their website, I can’t wait for the Summer Soltice Party, I’m bringing the Sloe Gin!

A hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun made with currants or raisins, marked with a cross on the top, and traditionally eaten on Good Friday… The buns mark the end of Lent and different parts of the hot cross bun have a certain meaning, including the cross representing the crucifixion of Jesus, and the spices inside signifying the spices used to embalm him at his burial….


For more information on the history of Hot Cross Buns, check out this great post on ManyEats.

Back at the Hen Corner Micro Bakery, we’ve still got a couple of weeks of Hot Cross Buns for sale, and this year along with the traditional fruit flavours we are also baking apricot and cranberry buns which are delicious…

Bye bye Bunty
Sadly we had to say goodbye to our beautiful chocolate brown bantam Orpington hen, Bunty, last week. She was the first ever chick that we hatched here at Hen Corner, from a box of eggs that we won in a Twitter competition back in 2011. The eggs came from lovely Farmer Gillian Dixon from South Yeo Farm East and in the years following her hatching we visited the farm that she came from, bought other eggs to hatch and some of the most delicious meat from their rare breed animals.
She was a true favourite, with the most gentle temperament, and was happy to travel around London to schools, stately homes and festivals with me allowing literally hundreds of children to stroke her for hours on end. She made it to the front page of a magazine and even a TV interview! The last couple of summers has seen her revel in her mothering skills as she hatched eggs, some of which were Pekin Bantams, again from Farmer Dixon, with one of those offspring became a bit of a YouTube star!
She was ill for a while, is no longer in pain and will be missed very much…
The Best of Bunty
Other News:
  • The poly sheet covering our peaches seems to have helped to keep them dry, we’ll find out soon whether the bees have pollinated the tree and can look forward to a delicious harvest in the summer
  • Our special event Easter at Hen Corner has completely sold out – I hope we have a lovely day, but not too hot to melt the chocolate…
  • One colony of bees seem to be a bit small in numbers and slow to grow, yet the other colony are mad for it and are already making us delicious honey, it was a joy to inspect them at the weekend, come on you bees!
Jobs for the Week:

What is your favourite thing about Easter? The food, the weather, the long bank holiday or something else? 

Have a great break,


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Rebecca Fletcher 13th April 2017 at 9:57 pm

So sorry to hear about Bunty xxxx

hen_admin 13th April 2017 at 10:15 pm

Thanks Rebecca, it was very sad, we’ve got some new hens now that bring new life to the garden, but Bunty was definitely a favourite 🙂


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