When I first heard that phrase, in Sunday School as a child, my mind conjured up a very sticky scene akin to ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ with waterfalls of honey and rivers of milk, it sounded rather sickly – not somewhere I wanted to live. Over the years, I’ve realised that milk and honey are simply the evidence, the fruit, of a very fertile, lush land. Bees can only make honey with bountiful flowers around and milk flows strongest when the animals are happy in pasture. This month I’ve milked a sheep and harvested honey, with minimum sticky mess…
The Green Queens…
This year is the first year that I’ve used a ‘proper’ queen marking pen – yes, there is such a thing – and I haven’t been the most neat of artists whilst using it. Previous years have found me sporting an old bottle of nail varnish and, as you can see in the photo above, blue glitter was quite a favourite. -
It’s our birthday! I can’t believe that it was nine years ago that Hen Corner came into being.
It all started when we were thinking about a ‘brand name’ for our homemade Christmas chutney label and concluded that Sara’s Preserves was a bit boring. -
As Summer days shrink at both ends and a new term starts at school we celebrate the harvest and look forward to all the lovely Autumn activities ahead and, as usual, say ‘All Aboard and Join us on the Journey’…
This year, we have enjoyed working with many different school groups encouraging them to consider where their food comes from and giving them opportunities for some hands on experience and…
As the door to a new year opens, we look back at 2017 with thankfulness for good friends… Last year was our third year running Hen Corner as a full…
The days are long, there’s time for fun… Come and join us this summer! We have a wonderful programme of courses and events over the coming months, both here at…
Country Living Spring Fair Our chickens have become very used to travelling around London recently and a couple of our girls have even enjoyed the shampoo and blow dry to…
The decs are down, the children are back at school and we’re off! Yes, we’re off to start another brand spanking new year, but my baking buddy, Katie, and I…
We’re making a list and checking it twice As Christmas approaches, we are planning presents for family and friends and always find it lovely to receive a well-chosen gift from…