Goodbye Little Red Hen – Hello London!

| 11th July 2016

We are delighted, at last, to present to you our exciting new website. We have been dreaming of and planning this for many months and whilst we are sad to say goodbye to the little red hen, we are proud to shout out Hello London!

We have been amazed at the number of views (almost 150k) and great connections that we made on the old website and are looking forward to encouraging many more to join us on our journey towards a more sustainable life through our regular blog posts, courses, schools work and bakery.

Many people found us through the old site and it has been a pleasure to welcome magazines, newspapers and television shows to Hen Corner as we’ve raised the profile of urban self sufficiency – you can check out some of their features on our Press page.

Hello London

Featuring London on the new site is nothing new, we’ve been based in Brentford, West London since we began many years ago, but as many of our projects and pastimes are often associated with country living, we thought we’d bring that constant reminder that you can hold the country in one hand, the city in the other and truly enjoy the best of both worlds.

Our featured image shows Sara strolling down Islington High Street, wearing her bee suit, on the way to the Country Living Spring Fair ready for her series of talks. We love living in London and intend to stay here!

‘There’s nowhere else like London. Nothing at all, anywhere.’

Dame Vivienne Westwood

So we’ve said goodbye to our old logo of a red hen, which someone once lifted off our site and turned into a cushion cover, and others have used as logos for their own sites ranging from self published author through to ‘Popstar for a day – Recording experience’!

We wanted a new design that included our name, clearly showed that we are in London, not Launceston, and incorporating a hand drawing of one of our own chickens. We really appreciate all the hard work of Jess, Ed and Joel as they brought the whole project together and value the support the RAW Brothers who released time to make it all happen – Thanks everyone!

What do you think of it? We hope you like it…

We still have lots of chickens here at Hen Corner, our last post introduced Bunty’s new chicks, and we are delighted to say that all six are doing really well, eating loads and starting to grow their first wing feathers. They may be losing some of their cute fluffiness, but these signs of maturity are helping us discover their final colours and markings, this Bantam Orpington chick that Andy is carefully holding looks like it will have beautiful silver laced feathers.

Jobs for the week:

• Bottle up last year’s pear wine, ready to chill for a summer’s evening
• Get out the children’s bee suits for another ‘Where Does My Food Come from?’ afternoon
• Sterilise some glass jars as it’s jam making season

Do have a look around the new website, we hope you like it, and get in touch if we can help you with a schools project or corporate event.

A quick quiz, our new logo includes a drawing of one of our chickens, can you guess which breed it is?

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Emily Scott 12th July 2016 at 6:34 am

The new logo looks very classy. I know nothing about chickens so will leave guessing the breed to someone else!

Sara Ward 12th July 2016 at 9:22 am

Thanks Emily, let’s see if someone gets it right!

Chiswick mum 12th July 2016 at 3:24 pm

Love the new logo and the new look site!

Sara Ward 12th July 2016 at 4:13 pm

Thanks, we love all the positive feedback!

Rob Mackay 26th July 2016 at 10:29 am

Great site!!!!
I have bread craving and envy every time I check in!

Chicken type…. Hmmmmm Sussex?

Good luck ! Love it!


Sara Ward 26th July 2016 at 11:40 am

Thanks Rob, good guess on the chicken type, but try again… 😉

Aisha 29th July 2016 at 12:29 am

Hi Sara,

Is the chicken breed a white star? Or a leghorn? It’s got long upright tail feathers, so im guessing one of the more flighty breeds like a white star.

Sara Ward 2nd August 2016 at 11:08 am

Hi Aisha,
Sorry to be slow to respond, yes, you are correct! It’s Persil our White Leghorn starring as the centre feature of our new logo… Her characteristic tail feathers are the giveaway in her profile 😉
Well done,

Aisha 29th July 2016 at 4:08 pm

Im gonna go one better and say it’s a picture of Pearl, your cream Legbar chicken. She is one you have had for the longest amount of time, so Im pretty sure you decided to use her in the picture on your new logo!

Sara Ward 2nd August 2016 at 11:09 am

You guessed right first time, Aisha, unfortunately, our Pearl is so shy – she wouldn’t stand still long enough for a portrait!


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