Celebrating 5 years of Hen Corner!

| 23rd April 2015

Don’t just count your years, make your years count.‘*    *George Meredith

Spring Postcard Front

‘I need a logo for the chutneys that I’m making as Christmas presents’ I said back in December 2009…

And that, I guess, was the beginning of this exciting journey which is gathering pace year on year. My husband, Andy, helped me with the name, well, we just kept hens then and lived in the house on the corner of the street. My brother-in-law, Richard, chose the red chicken and another friend, Alex, encouraged me to blog. ‘You’d like Twitter‘ said Andy and little did he know how many followers we’d attract…
I bought the domain name for this website and wrote the About page in April ’10, by May ’10 the Observer Food Monthly had contacted me asking to include us in a feature about Urban Farmers in London!
CL Theatre with Ruth & FrancineIt’s good to look back on anniversaries, every year there are new things to celebrate, so what have our highlights been over the past 12 months? A big one for me was contributing to the Country Living Spring Fair, I was asked to give talks on both bee keeping and chickens from the beautiful Spring Garden at the entrance to the Fair, I also did a food demonstration cooking griddled asparagus with poached egg and hollandaise sauce. The event programme also included a series of talks and interviews in the Country Living Theatre and it was a pleasure to be interviewed with the Telegraph’s Francine Raymond by Features Editor Ruth Chandler.

Macy at HornimanWe have been delighted to work with several new schools this year, either taking our chickens into the classroom or welcoming groups to visit our home, we’ve even taken a small flock of hens on the road to the Horniman Museum and Gardens for their Chirpy Chickens event at Easter.

Back in September, our honey harvest was the biggest so far and we were thrilled to sell half of it to BAFTA, I hope the bees do us proud again this year.
So what are the things that we can look forward to in this next year?
Our wonderful new kitchen is so nearly finished and will be perfect for all our new food courses, we have more schools visits lined up and Bunty is broody and is sitting on 12 fertile eggs, hopefully, we shall see the chicks in a few weeks time… All of this alongside our usual harvesting from the garden; the peaches were pollinated well and are already starting to develop. As the quote says at the top of the page Don’t just count your years, make your years count.and that is exactly what we are trying to do!

Bread sweet and savouryComing up at the Corner – 20% off all courses booked by end of April

If you’d like to visit us here in London, we have courses running right throughout the year. Next month brings Intro to Bee Keeping, Bread: Sweet and SavouryPerfect Pasta and a new course, A Day at Hen CornerWe have many more courses available, both in the garden and the kitchen, and the promotional code SPRING15 will give you 20% off all bookings before the end of April – Book in now to save some pennies…

Other News:

  • Andy has designed some fantastic cloches to protect the raised bed from the chickens when they are out free ranging
  • We’ve been having the outside of the house painted as well as our kitchen & conservatory projects – all nice for our visitors
  • Eggs galore! We’ve got more than we can eat, so do pop by if you are local – £2/half-dozen

Jobs for this week:

  • Keep an eye on Bunty, I hope that she’s careful with those fertile eggs
  • Water some Nemaslug into the raised beds, this should significantly reduce our slug population!
  • Prepare the garden to welcome course guests, a schools visit and a group of local cub scouts

Have a good week yourself…Hen logo good

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