When Ed Cumming was researching for this piece, I was more than happy to share our experience – I’ve always loved Felicity Kendal! The Good Life 2.0: how millennials fell…
As we celebrate the end of another year, I like to pause to look back with thankfulness and forward with hope. In this month’s piece, we share some of the highlights.
It’s always lovely when a course guest wants to share their experience with others and we are thrilled that as Sophie Farrah has been promoted to Editor of The Richmond Magazine, she has featured Hen Corner in her seasonal piece on Christmas puddings.
As the days get cooler and we look for refuge from the wind, we are warmed by the new Spire Cafe that’s open every day in nearby St Paul’s church. They even sell our Cinnamon Swirls!
I’m swimming 5k in Dock2Dock and hope to raise 5k for Chiswick Lifeboat. I was delighted when our local Brentford Nub News got hold of the story and phoned me for an interview. If you’d like to support me, more info is here.
What a lovely surprise to discover that Hen Corner was featured within an article about Bread Angels in True Loaf Magazine. Telling the story of how we accidentally opened our Micro Bakery… You can read the full piece here.
It was a wonderful surprise to discover how well my Seville orange preserve did at this year’s World Marmalade Awards… We were literally jumping for joy when we received the email saying ‘Congratulations – you are a Gold winner!’ Read all about it in our column in Out & About Magazine.
What a delight! A four page spread in Platinum Magazine featuring lovely photos from Juliet Murphy and Pam Wade, in the very same month that we celebrate our 10 years of keeping bees! Check out this feature ‘Farm in the City’ all about Hen Corner…
Each summer, I’m quick to answer phone calls from numbers that I don’t recognise as we are in the midst of swarm season and I’ve signed up to the British Bee Keepers Association Swarm Collectors list. Whilst an unexpected visit from 30,000 bees might cause concern for many, it’s a privilege to be on hand to help collect and rehouse the honeybees hoping that they will become new strong healthy colonies.
We are right in the middle of the bee keeping season and whilst the Brentford Bees, from the football club, are celebrating going up into the Premier League with their fabulous new stadium, we see how the *Real Brentford Bees* are settling into their new home. Read all about it in our column in Out & About Magazine.