Merry Christmas from Hen Corner…

| 17th December 2011

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

As subscribers (top right) will know we’ve spent weeks (and months) in preparation and anticipation for this special season which is now truly here. Cards have been sent and received, decorations adorn our homes, gifts are carefully chosen or thoughtfully made and carols are being sung almost in our sleep. We love Christmas at Hen Corner! This year we are determined to enjoy every moment, to cherish friendships, to celebrate together and to welcome the holy spirit of Christmas into every hour.

Mistletoe and Wine?

Well not quite, but it’s amazing to have so much in bloom at the moment! We have sparkly lights amidst a flowering climbing jasmine, yet it snowed this morning! We have camellia and roses in flower and ripe red berries on the holly. We will gather armfuls of evergreens from the garden to decorate the house and crack open the first bottles of new season cider


Oh Come Let Us Adore Him…

As Christmas Day is finally in sight, we can find no better way to begin the celebrations than joining friends and neighbours to sing traditional Christmas carols alongside real sheep and donkeys in a magically lit Victorian London park. The weather may be cold, but the feeling that we are left with warms the soul! We are proud to be a part of ‘Carols in the Park’, a community celebration on Wednesday 21st December, if you are in the area – do come along, more info here.

Other News:

  • Our young cockerels that were hatched back in August have crowed their last. The plan was always to give them a good start and then eat them. They were delicious in a cider casserole!
  • We’ve syphoned the cider into clean bottles with a bit of sugar for a second ferment, we’ll be drinking that next week!
  • We were pleased to welcome Stuart Wood from Olive Magazine to Hen Corner for a photo shoot. Pretending it’s sunny spring in December did get a bit chilly, but hopefully the pictures will look great!

Jobs for next week:

  • Make up some hampers with elderflower liqueur, chutneys, preserves, cakes, tarts and a Christmas pudding.
  • Get to grips with wrapping presents.
  • Peel the veg for that all important goose dinner!

Have a wonderful Christmas filled with peace and joy…

Join us on the Journey!

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