Well the new year is definitely under-way with loads going on both here at Hen Corner and in the wider world.
Here we have been sowing seeds (tomatoes and aubergines) and spotting the early spring growth of the garlic (10 sprouts, thank you) and the 17 broad bean plants that have survived the big freeze very nicely!
We’ve also said goodbye to our three (chicken) house guests who spent four weeks with us over Christmas whilst their owners were on a well deserved holiday in Kenya.
In the wider world, there is momentum building with a couple of campaigns that we are supporting, we are highlighting them below and would really appreciate you joining us with your support….. please!
In 1999, the European Union (EU) passed the Laying Hens Directive, which laid down minimum standards for the treatment of egg-laying hens across the EU. From 1 January 2012, the use of barren battery cages in the EU, and the sale of EU eggs from those cages, will be illegal. However, whilst the egg industry has been given a generous 12 years to prepare, some egg producers across Europe are claiming that they still cannot be ready in time, and are requesting more time to comply with the new legislation. Please click the click below to find out more and add your encouragement to push through the ban. Defend the big move.
Around half of the fish caught by fishermen in the North Sea are unnecessarily thrown back into the ocean dead. The problem is that in a mixed fishery where many different fish live together, fishermen cannot control the species that they catch.
Fishing for one species often means catching another, and if people don’t want them or fishermen are not allowed to land them, the only option is to throw them overboard. The vast majority of these discarded fish will die. Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall is the man behind the campaign to change legislation and encourage us to eat a wider variety of fish. For more info and to add your name go to www.FishFight.net.
Our little contribution is this new recipe that we’ve devised especially to support the Fish Fight campaign using the lesser favoured sprat!
Well there’s not much to say about the horses at Hen Corner, we certainly don’t have space to keep them here, but here’s a picture of our youngest team member as she continues with her riding lessons just down the road (the M4 that is!).
But that is not all we have to say on horses….
Following in the theme of the Big Fish Fight another recipe for you is Tartare Sauce – perfect for serving with all your fishy dishes and more…. and the special ingredient, if you look for it, is HORSEradish!
Jobs for next week:
- Put the finishing touches to the planting schedule
- Sow chillies and peppers
- Finish the Apple winter prune
- Winter wash the fruit trees
- Pin back the espalier plum tree