We were very honoured last week to have been recognised at the Urban Food Awards in a special category, Women in Food: The women putting good food on London’s plate. This is where thirty of London’s leading Women in Food are being celebrated as part of the capital’s Urban Food Awards, championed by the Mayor of London.
Urban Food Awards
You know what they say about ‘Making hay while the sun shines?’ Well, I’m a firm believer in grabbing opportunities, delighting in all that the season has to offer and celebrating every day with a true sense of thankfulness.
We’ve been living the Good Life recently; the kitchen garden is booming, we’ve harvested nearly £700 worth of food, the bees are making honey and the new chicks have hatched…
‘The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.’* *Mahatma Gandi Many women would aspire to be Wives and Girlfriends of footballers, but this…
The Urban Food Awards are open – If you’ve ever tasted our honey, and think it’s heavenly, please do nominate us! Our address is Hen Corner, Brentford and email is Life@HenCorner.com…