Somehow, we’ve managed to enter three big competitions in three months, which takes time and energy, but have fortunately found it to be more than worth it.
stir up sunday
Tucked up but still centre stage Whilst each colony of bees is almost at their lowest head count, with all the boys kicked out and the girls focused on protecting…
We’ve had a great half term holiday as a family which began in Paris to celebrate the first two years of my husband’s business and ended with us picking up…
Mmm, we really must remember 2014 for the long warm season that began in April and is still proving mild in mid-October, there’s still food growing in the kitchen garden…
September always seems to be busy; back from holidays and into harvest time with honey to extract and cider to make, then all kinds of pickles and preserves to make…
The time had to come when our pig would eat her last apple and we would say goodbye. After watching her grow from a six-week weaner in May into the…
Now that the clocks have gone back and the evenings draw in, we take comfort from all that brings warmth and light – this week the pumpkin shall reign… Warming…