

  • Welcome back to Hen Corner! Featured in Country Living Magazine And, as Neil from The Young Ones says, ‘We eat the seed’, I guess this is showing my age… But…

  • Blog

    Happy New Year!

    Blog 1st January 2013

    Welcome back to Hen Corner! We hope that you have had a good break over Christmas and are now looking ahead at all the opportunities that 2013 may hold. If,…

  • Blog

    To Pea or not to Pea….

    Blog 27th January 2012

    Welcome back to Hen Corner! This week we’re asking why only half our peas are germinating, reporting back from Chiswick House Kitchen Garden and preparing for a Shook Swarm…but first…

  • We are thrilled to launch a new season of films over the coming weeks that specifically look at how to keep chickens in an urban environment. By subscribing (top right)…