Vulnerable Adults Policy
Protection of Vulnerable Adults Policy and Procedure
(updated 2nd April 2019)
1. Policy Statement
1.1 Hen Corner recognises that many of the individuals we provide services for or come in to contact with are vulnerable adults. It is our policy to ensure:
- that these people are protected and kept safe from harm; and that
- our team members and volunteers play a part in promoting their safety and ensuring their protection.
1.2 To these ends we will vigorously implement and maintain this policy and will work to ensure that team members and volunteers are aware of their responsibilities to:
- be familiar with this policy and procedure;
- be aware of the different forms of abuse ;
- be aware of who the abusers might be
- know how to act on any concern of abuse; and
- treat all abuse or potential abuse seriously.
1.3 Team members and volunteers have a duty to report concerns if they think that someone is being abused or if poor standards of care are making for conditions in which there is a risk of abuse to vulnerable adults using this service. Hen Corner has a strict zero-tolerance policy on retaliation towards those who report abuse. If retaliation action is found to have taken place, this will result in an immediate dismissal or legal action will be taken as appropriate.
1.4 Hen Corner will work with other agencies to prevent the abuse of vulnerable adults and to respond quickly when abuse is suspected.
1.5 To achieve this, we will adopt a multi disciplinary Code of Practice, policies and procedures outlined in the document, No Secrets-The Protection of Vulnerable Adults.
2. Scope
2.1 This policy applies to all services and activities of Hen Corner.
3. Definitions and Further Information
3.1 Definitions of what we mean by vulnerable adults and abuse are given at Appendix A, along with examples of where it can occur and by whom.
3.2 The code of Practice from “No Secrets- The Protection of Vulnerable Adults” is at Appendix B
3.3 The form on which all records should be made and the basis of which shall form the basis of any necessary external reports is at appendix C.
3.4 To ensure the effective implementation of this policy, a clear distinction is made between the protection of vulnerable adults as it relates to the No Secrets Policy and guidance on the one hand, and other mental health work with vulnerable adults such as participation in care programme approach.
4. Procedure for Reporting Abuse
4.1 What to Do If You Suspect Abuse
- Make sure the person is not in immediate danger
- If required, seek medical help
- Contact the police if a crime has been committed: and
- Do not disturb anything that maybe evidence
4.2 Listen
- Assure the person making the complaint that they will be taken seriously;
- Listen to what is being said;
- Stay Calm
- Do not probe for detail – Use TED (Tell me, Explain, Describe)
- Empathise but do not jump to conclusions;
- Do not promise complete confidentiality. Explain that you have a duty to report the concern to the Team Leader; and
- Do not attempt to question the alleged abuser
4.3 Inform
- Inform the Team Leader, this must be done immediately or within 4 hours at the least.
- Tell the facts that you have been told or observed. Try not to give your interpretation but do share your instincts
4.4 Record
- Within 24 hours, accurately record details of the allegation or the grounds for suspecting abuse, using the form at Annexe C to this procedure. Be prepared to co-operate, as requested, in any activities to do with the adult protection enquiry.
4.5 Reporting
- The Team Leader, or other appropriate person must act (with in the same 24 hour period) to externally report the concerns.
- In the case of alleged/suspected abuse in the London Borough of Hounslow area, the report must be made as follows:
Telephone us on 020 8583 3100 (Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm, Friday 9am to 4.45pm).
In the event of an emergency outside of these hours: please call 020 8583 2222 or the emergency services 999
5. Caveat
5.1 If team members are in any doubt about whether or not someone is being abused they should discuss it at an early time with the Team Leader, in order to clarify the best course of action. It is better that we are proved wrong about a situation than to ignore it.
Appendix A
Vulnerable Adult
A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years and over, who could be in need of community care services and is, or may be, unable to protect his or herself from significant harm or serious exploitation. This may be because they have a mental health problem or other disability, or because they are old and frail.
Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by another person or persons. It can be a single act or repeated acts. It can vary from neglecting a person, to treating someone with disrespect in a way that significantly affects their quality of life and limits his or her right to access opportunities. It can be behaviour which causes actual physical harm and suffering.
The Main forms of abuse are:
- Physical
- Sexual
- Psychological or emotional
- Financial or material
- Neglect
- Discriminatory
- Institutional abuse ( for example, the mistreatment of people or inadequate care and in a formal setting such as residential or nursing homes or hospital)
Where abuse can happen
Abuse can happen anywhere – in the person’s own home, a residential or nursing home, a hospital, in supported or sheltered housing, at a day centre or an educational establishment, in the workplace or in street.
Who can abuse?
People who abuse adults are often well known to the person and may be:
- A paid carer or a volunteer
- A partner, relative or friend
- A health, social care or other worker
- A visitor or other contact
- The person who abuses may also be a vulnerable adult.
Appendix B
This organisational Code of Practice sets out the principles that underpin adult protection. Hen Corner subscribes to them and will encourage agencies we work with to share our commitment.
We will:
- Aim to protect vulnerable adults from abuse or exploitation
- Work with others, within the agreed operational frameworks to prevent, identify and investigate, alleged, confirmed or suspected abuse.
- Respect the autonomy, diversity and confidentiality of adults who are being abused
- Act in the best interests of adults who do not have the mental capacity to make informed choices
- Ensure that the persons communication and access needs are met so that they can participate in decision making.
- Aim to achieve a clear understanding of respective roles and responsibilities, within our own organisation and with those with whom we work.
- Recognise that team leaders have a key role in fostering an open and supportive culture within organisation, determining standards of practice and ensuring that all team and volunteers know about the policy and procedures and have access to training and support.
- Integrate strategies, policies and procedures and services relevant to the prevention of and the protection from abuse (eg clinical governance and risk assessment protocols)
- Produce any operational procedures necessary to implement a multi-agency approach to the protection of young people and vulnerable adults.
Appendix C
The appropriate person reporting externally completes sections 1 – 3 and the person internally informing completes sections 4 – 21.
Person externally reporting the alleged/suspected abuse
- Date of report and to whom:
- Name and role of reporter:
- Contact details: (telephone, address and email)
Person Internally informing the alleged/suspected abuse
- Date of report and to whom:
- Name and role of informant:
- Contact details (telephone, address and email)
Details of the alleged/suspected abused adult
- Name:
- Address:
- Gender: Male/female (Delete as appropriate)
- Age (Approximate if not known)
Details of the person/institution alleged/suspected of the abuse
- Name of person/institution:
- Address
Relationship to the alleged/suspected abused person:
(Delete as appropriate)
- Partner/Parent/Daughter/Son/Other Family Member/Care Worker/Non-Related carer.
- Other (Please State)
Details of the alleged/suspected abuse
- Date:
- Location:
- Type of abuse (please delete as appropriate)
Physical/sexual/Psychological/Financial or material/ Neglect or omission/Discriminatory
- Other (Please state)
- The vulnerable person is aware the abuse is being reported:
Yes/No (Delete as appropriate)
- Brief description of the alleged/suspected abuse (including any injuries)
- Details of any immediate action taken as a result of the alleged/suspected abuse: (including any reports made)
Signed: (Person internally informing) (Date)
Signed: (Person externally reporting) (Date)