
Living the Good Life in the City

  • Blog

    Land of Milk and Honey

    Blog 28th June 2023

    When I first heard that phrase, in Sunday School as a child, my mind conjured up a very sticky scene akin to ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ with waterfalls of honey and rivers of milk, it sounded rather sickly – not somewhere I wanted to live. Over the years, I’ve realised that milk and honey are simply the evidence, the fruit, of a very fertile, lush land. Bees can only make honey with bountiful flowers around and milk flows strongest when the animals are happy in pasture. This month I’ve milked a sheep and harvested honey, with minimum sticky mess…

  • Blog

    And then there were NINE!

    Blog 8th May 2023

    Last month, we had our first Full Day Bee Keeping course and, as we went through each of the three colonies in the garden, I explained to our guests that it can take a while for them to build up after winter. Fortunately, this didn’t lead to complacency as within three days, another of our colonies was planning to swarm…