Jane Mason is back in town… Though not for long! Jane, who heads up Virtuous Bread, spends most of her time living in Mexico but always catches up with the…
We’ve had a very productive Half Term… Whilst the grass may still be damp, even waterlogged, a couple of days of fabulous sunshine over the last week has permitted a…
We’ve been thinking about cycles this week… Not bicycles, though we love those too, but life cycles in animals and plants, the cycles of the seasons and, of course, recycling…
The wait is over… I must have forgotten how good the feeling is to discover a freshly laid egg in the nest box, to be honest, I’ve not been checking…
Welcome back to Hen Corner, especially to new visitors since our recent feature in The Guardian. Maybe I should have named this post ‘Upper Body Strength’? As this week is…
Welcome back to Hen Corner, especially to new visitors since our recent feature in The Guardian. I know that the children went back to school last week, but I’m going…
Welcome back to Hen Corner, especially to new visitors since our recent feature in The Guardian. I’m a firm believer that Christmas continues until the twelfth night and remain in…
‘Garden as though you will live forever.’* *William Kent I love the thought of gardening as an investment for generations, a legacy for the future. I often look at the…
‘It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn.’* *B C Forbes ‘Are you a Farmer?’ asked a young boy…
‘I like bread and butter, I like toast and jam,’* *The Newbeats And good job too as we’ve been on a mighty baking-fest these last couple of weeks… Regular readers will…